Sunday, May 23, 2010

It finally happened!!!

IM PREGNANT!!!!!! I am so thankful that all I had to do was one round of Clomid. It still hasn't fully sunk in yet. I keep going back and staring at the tests. I have thanked God and prayed about 100 times since I took that test yesterday. He is amazing and wonderful and I am so thankful. I'm trying to take it an hour, a day at a time, and not worry about losing this bean. It's hard though knowing all the things that can go wrong. The miscarriage rate is already so high and when you add PCOS and endo to it it's even worse. I've gotta call the doc on base Monday. I think I have to go pee on a stick there before they'll give me a referral to an OB. I already have a referral for fertility treatments though so I'm going to go ahead and call by OB/GYN's nurse Monday and leave a message telling her I'm pregnant and asking if I can come in for a beta and another progesterone check just to make sure my levels are high enough. I'll feel a lot better after those two tests. No matter how much I read, or how many friends tell me, that cramps are normal I'm still worrying. In my brain I KNOW that 1) cramps are normal, uterus has to stretch to make room for baby 2) I've had three laps so there has to be scar tissue that's stretching 3) I have endo which is going to cause more pain and 4) my last lap was 3 1/2 months ago so I'm sure I'm not fully healed from that yet.

No real morning sickness yet. I'm only 3 weeks 6 days so it'll probably kick in within the next week or two. I was nauseous last night and have been getting car sick easier, even when I'm driving! I either have no appetite or I'm starving but NOTHING sounds good, nothing. I'm having the cramps off and on and backache. Exhaustion is getting the better of me. It's weird though. I'm so drained that I can't even stand up yet I can't sleep. This heat is getting to me too. I don't know if it's that I'm not acclimated to it anymore after three years overseas or if it's the extra hormones. After 10 minutes standing outside I was about to pass out. (95 degrees with 90% humidity) And you know what? I'm loving EVERY MINUTE of it so far.

I want to tell everybody but then again I don't want to tell anybody. I want to give it time to sink in and enjoy myself for a few days first. I'm not telling my parents until I go to the doctor and have it confirmed. ( i say that but im having lunch with my parents today so we'll see if i can keep it in)


  1. Aaaahh!!! I'm still doing the Happy Dance for you!!!!! I'm SOOO excited for you!!! You're going to LOVE being pregnant! Its the best thing in the world!! YAY!! Okay- no more stressing okay? Just relax and enjoy all of this. YAY!

  2. Oh, yay!!! That's such GREAT news! I'm so happy for you! =) It is so unreal those first few days (even weeks actually), isn't it? I remember looking at the pg test at least a hundred times last time I got pg. Can't wait to watch your belly grow & see your little bean! =)
