Monday, March 1, 2010

Endo awareness month

First of March is Endometriosis Awareness month. Wear yellow as much as you can since that's the color. Promote awareness. Endometriosis is the most common cause of infertility affecting 5 1/2 million women in the United States alone yet it takes most women multiple doctors over several years to get a diagnosis. It's characterized by excruciating pain several days a month, heavy bleeding, infertility, and pretty much some level of pain every day 24 hours a day. In normal healthy women, every 28 days or so, the uterus sheds it's lining and leaves the body through a period. Endometriosis is when some of this lining grows in other areas of the body. Usually the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Other common areas are the kidneys, bladder, and bowels. Much less common is when it migrates to the lungs, heart, and other areas such as the brain. There is no cure for endometriosis. The only methods of trying to get relief are birth control and Lupron. Even a hysterectomy does not guarantee relief from pain as most of the time the ovaries are left and will still release estrogen. OK, enough of the lecture :)

So as I reread my post from yesterday I realized it kinda sounded like I was contradicting myself. In the end what I was basically saying was we are going to keep trying, full force, BUT I'm not going to let it consume my every though. Make sense?

I'm home sick again today. I really hope I don't get the boot at work. I wish this nausea would go away. I know it's hormones I just don't know if this is what I'm going to be like all the time now that my "plumbing" is cleaned out or if this is normal pre-ovulation hormones. I'm so ready to go to the doctor next week so I can get all this figured out.

On a much happier note I just ordered 30 OPK's (ovulation predictor kits) and 10 early HPT's (home pregnancy tests) from Ebay for $1.00!!!!! I'm not a huge fan of the IC's (internet cheapies) but at that price I can give into my POAS (pee on a stick) addiction and not feel like I'm going broke.

I'm also trying not to think about the fact that Wednesday is my birthday and I'll be one year closer to 30 (28). Ever since I was diagnosed with endo I've been told that I needed to have all the kids I want by the time I'm 30 because my chances after that will be very slim. I can see why now after 15 months of nothing. I'm one of not many women who can say they've been trying that long with out a pregnancy. Am I happy that that's the case since it means I haven't had a miscarriage or am I sad because I haven't experienced pregnancy even if it was only for a few days or weeks?

Ok this post has been totally rambling all over the place :) My last though is, do I let people IRL know about this blog or just leave it with my JM friends?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this!! I'm going to steal the "endo parts" and post it on mine. You said it great!!
    I just posted an Endo-awareness month post on Justmommies..Thanks again!! OH-- and it WILL happen for you, just don't give up hope. You and I are only like 2 weeks apart on our cycles so just pretend I'm standing there next to you, going through this with you. We can do this girl- DON'T GIVE UP!!!
