Sunday, February 14, 2010

kinda down today

Kinda crappy today. Unfortunately one of the side affects of anesthesia for me is constipation (TMI, I know). I had the surgery Monday and gave it until yesterday to *clear itself up* Since that didn't happen I took some medicine last night. Needless to say today hasn't been fun. Plus I was very nauseous tonight (and last night). Then when I went to the bathroom earlier I had EWCM with a little blood. AF is *supposed* to start on Thursday so my options are she's actually going to show early, which never happens with me because of the PCOS, another side effect of the surgery (I had NO bleeding after the surgery), or somehow miraculously I actually ovulated this month, it was on my right side, the eggie fertilized, and a clean healthy uterus actually let the eggie implant AND the surgery didn't kill it. Yeh I know, that one just isn't possible but a girl can always dream.

I started looking up info about hydrosalpinx (a distally blocked fallopian tube filled with serous or clear fluid). Apparently pregnancy rates are low because the infection or adhesion has permanently damaged the tube. I know I still have one tube that's good but that doesn't really make me feel better ATM. I was feeling so positive after the surgery knowing Dr. Butler was really excited that things looked as good as they did. I'm trying to get out of that mind set but it's so hard to stay positive after 13 months of nothing, 3 laps in 7 years, PCOS, a crappy tube, endo, and a family history of still birth and miscarriages.

On another note I gave Matt permission to hurt my feelings if I ever got too fat!! :) DHC has had 627 pound woman show and now it's a half-ton teenager show. I just can't imagine being that big. How does it happen? I guess the same way I let myself get to 175 pounds.

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